Wednesday, September 12, 2007

workin workin workin

Between the classes and the Mom job and the pizza job and the substitute teaching, I seem to be meeting myself at the door!(LOL)

I have a steady date with a Spec.Ed. class at one school and a GT class at another school. These teachers are going through "development" and they need to be out twice a week. I think they are alternative certification candidates. Yesterday, at the elementary school, I had four teachers ask for my phone number. That is how they request a sub around here, by putting the phone number in the automated call system. That means that in that school, they like how I do things. It feels pretty good. Sounds like I will become their Pet Substitute, and that doesn't hurt my feelings. I really like that school.

My son is being pretty good about the whole thing. His new system for being organized is working pretty good. He seems to be more organized, though his motivation to DO the homework is still if-ey.fifth grade may be a good year. Let's all hope.

Turns out that the man who made me take only two classes may have known what he was talking about. I cannot imagine what another two classes would have been like. There's hardly enough time for the two I have. But I'm determined to get it all done.

what's going on with all of you?
Leave links so I can come see you...
bye, gotta go to work, again!(LOL)


Treasa said...

Oops! I didn't see that you have been here while I slept. I would have come by earlier if I'd known. Anyway, go check Chica's blog for a way to track the people you want to watch. I'll be doing it later, but I think it will make things easier.

etainne said...

thanks, sis!

Lady Visine said...

There is a fairly current & extensive list of links on my blog, if you want to use that as a tool to build your own list of links. Congrats on being the "teacher's pet sub"!!! I knew that once you got your feet in the door, you'd be getting lots of requests. wooohoooo!

Yay for the boy, too. I'm getting a school pic this year, won't I? Hope so! <3

Kelly Ann said...

Wow you have the longest URL EVER!!! hehe I will link to ya! :)

etainne said...

Thank you Chica! I did that on purpose(LOL)

MsV yes remind me in November and I will get you one. What was the last one you got anyway?

Ms T you have to show me, you know that!

Treasa said...

uh... yeah. Give me a few. I have to figure it out for myself before I can show you.

(notice, I didn't say a few *what*-minutes, days, whatever it takes) ;)